Whitin Giroux Works

Creativity. Innovation. Design Excellence.

formerly Whitin Design Works

Urban Design & Civic

  Project 1   Project 2   Project 3   Project 4   Project 5   Project 6   Project 7   Project 8   Project 9
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Anaheim Redevelopment Agency
Anaheim, California

With the goal of recreating a vibrant pedestrian downtown, WHITIN DESIGN WORKS, Field Paoli Architects and the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency collaborated on redevelopment Guidelines for the Colony Historic District. The vision of 2-term Mayor Curt Pringle and the ARA, these redevelopment standards establish residential and commercial guidelines focused on revitalizing the Colony, Anaheim's historic town center from mid-1800's to the 1950's, as a vibrant pedestrian downtown. Numerous workshops with community groups were a key component in identifying and prioritizing issues.

Issued to developers as part of their agreement with the ARA and the City, the Guidelines establish requirements for tree planting, street furniture, enhanced pedestrian circulation and traffic calming. The 132-page Guideline booklet and Appendices provide Traffic and Transportation, Urban Design, Street Lighting, Street Furniture, Landscape Architecture and sustainable practice solutions for redevelopment of vacant industrial properties, renovation of historic features and restoration to a pedestrian friendly downtown. In addition to the new Street Tree Master Plan, the Guidelines specify land uses, street widths, walks and parkways and urban design amenities to establish a strong streetscape edge for cars and pedestrians.