Whitin Giroux Works

Creativity. Innovation. Design Excellence.

formerly Whitin Design Works

Parks & Public Spaces

  Project 1   Project 2   Project 3   Project 4   Project 5   Project 6   Project 7   Project 8   Project 9   Project 10
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City of Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, California

Built by the oil baron Edward Doheny in 1926, Greystone Mansion is the largest private estate constructed in Beverly Hills. The 12.5 acre estate was acquired by the City of Beverly Hills in 1965 and placed on the Department of Interior's National Register of Historic Places in 1976. Today the property serves as a location for myriad cultural and social activities, public events, movies, commercials and weddings.

WHITIN DESIGN WORKS' ongoing landscape renovation encompasses a 6 acre area including the main and secondary Entries and Gates, the Doheny Road streetscape, the Rose Garden, the Greenhouse and the large slope bounded by the west property line, the main driveway and the Stables. These buildings and surrounding gardens are being programmed and renovated to provide for increased public use of this neglected part of the property. The large slope above the Stables is designed as a seasonal botanical woodland with walking paths and plant information. The landscape renovation is inspired by the original 1920s landscape for Greystone by Paul Thiene.